Let me go back to September 21, 2013. It was a crisp cool morning with not a cloud in sight......who am I kidding. It was a crisp cool morning with plenty of clouds in sight. The back yard was set. The high bar tables were around the pool, we had moved the work bench from the garage to the pool deck to be the bar for the evening. The chairs were set up for the ceremony, the tables were in place under the gazebo for the buffet. We were ready, we were both filled with anxiety as the weather was not cooperating. We were looking at intermittent rain showers through out the day, but secretly deep down in our hearts we were hoping the showers would blow through and not interfere with our wedding day. When was the last time it is has rained in September in California????? My biggest concern when we choose this date was the heat, hence a evening ceremony so the big Oak tree would provide shade for our guests.
This was our wedding day. I was going to marry the love of my life rain or shine. It was about 1:00 pm and Rachel my fiance at the time was outside placing the table clothes on the high bars and the buffet tables. I looked outside and the weather had moved in and then it happened, it started to rain; slowly at first with just a drizzle. I looked at Rachel and I could tell she was holding back the tears, the frustration was overwhelming. I went to her and just hugged her saying "It's going to be Ok, the rain should pass in time for the ceremony. All that matters right now is us and that we are together."
We stood there holding each other trying desperately to keep the tears back, standing there in the rain feeling defeated. All I was thinking about was what were we going to do. I knew I couldn't shut down and that we needed to come up with a plan in case it did rain. We both went inside knowing that we each needed a little space, some time to decompress. I turned the television on and watched something on DVR, what, I don't remember and Rachel played a calming game of tetris. About an hour later I looked over at Rachel and said "We need to come up with an option 2. We are running out of time, the caterers will be here around 4 and the photographer will be here around 3." Rachel knew it, but I think she didn't want to accept the fact that we might be having our ceremony in our house, nor did I for that matter. I had a few ideas and I looked deep into her eyes and said "Rachel, let's walk." Yes, I was using work terms.
With those few words we stood up walked into the living room and frantically started rearranging the furniture. It was still pouring outside and everything was soaked. We moved the dinning room furniture into the spare bedroom as this area was now going to be the buffet room. We removed everything from the kitchen counter and this space was now the bar. We than removed all the furniture from the living room and placed it in the family room as the living room was now going to hold the high bar tables and potentially be where we would have our ceremony if it came down to that. We moved so quickly, it was amazing how fast we moved the furniture. We brought the high bar tables inside, the buffet tables and quickly put the table clothes in the dryer. I immediately jumped in the shower as the photographer was due to arrive at any moment. I walked out to the living room and it looked amazing. We had completely transformed our house. The flowers were out, the candles were in place, it literally took my breath away.

Our photographer arrived a little before 3 pm. At this point the tears and disappoint are about to be shed, it was still raining. She immediately went to work and started getting the photos before we had to finalize getting ready and the family pictures.

The black umbrellas came in handy as it was drizzling a bit on and off again. After that we drove over to the park near our house and it was time for family pictures. Luckily the rain had stopped. Just as we finished up the family pictures and arrived back home it started to rain again. And when I say rain the skies opened up. We still had hope though that we would be able to have our ceremony outside. Our guests were arriving and were enjoying themselves. I could hear the laughter and see the delight and happiness on their faces. The rain let up and then the most amazing thing happened. Rays of sunlight started to appear as the clouds parted. It was at this point I knew that all was going to work out. We had weathered the storm and it only made our relationship stronger.
Everything was going to be perfect. The rain had stopped. The ceremony was just about to began. I was nervous I wont lie. I was more anxious and excited because I never thought that this day would come.
That I would never meet someone who made me as happy as I am today, who loved me as much Rachel loves me. Someone who loved me for me; even if I am a nerd and a bit random at times. Rachel, brings out so much happiness in me. She is my light. When I see her my face lights up. We were about to began our lives together, to travel down a road that I thought I would be traveling alone. She understands me and accepts me for me and never questions that. I love her so much and all I want to do is spend the rest of my life with her.
The ceremony was special to us. The officiant was a friend of a friend and he did an outstanding job. During the ceremony he made a last minute change that just about melted my heart. You see, my mom passed away when I was 14 from endometrial cancer. Even though she wasn't physically there I know spiritually she was there that day. She made her presence known through the words. Rachel as her gift to me is refurbishing my mom's guitar. Our officiant didn't know anything about this. When we came to this part of the ceremony I about cried.......
I surprised Rachel with cufflinks! Her reaction was price less.
one another, but make not a bond of love. Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other’s cup, but drink not from the same cup. Sing and dance together and be joyous,
but let each one of you be alone. Even as the strings of thelute guitar are alone, though they quiver with the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping for only the hand of life can contain your hearts and stand together, Yet not to near together for the pillars of the temple stand apart.
And the oak and the cypress Grow not in each other’s shadow"
but let each one of you be alone. Even as the strings of the
And the oak and the cypress Grow not in each other’s shadow"
I looked at Rachel and Rachel looked at me with a twinkle in her eye. How did he know? We asked him afterwards about using the word guitar and he said it just came to him during the ceremony.
Trailmomma signing the paper work!
That day I will never forget. I married the love of my life, in front of my family and close friends. The weather challenged us that day, but we came out on top. We made our relationship that much stronger. Now matter what is thrown in our path, together we can do anything.
Michael our officiant signing the paper work!
We enjoyed the rest of the evening laughing and talking. There is a long standing belief that it is good luck for a couple to marry on a rainy day. A knot that becomes wet is strong and hard to untie and some in the Hin-du tradition believe the same about a wedding in the rain. We tied the knot on a rainy day and our knot will never become untied for it is as strong as ever.
A special thank you to our photographer Gabriella Clavel, all photos you see were by her.
A special thank you to Anthony Brantley for the music
Thank you Michael Hill our officiant
To our Family and Friends for joining us on this special day and for celebrating our love and commitment to each other.
To Trailmomma, Kortnie and Emily...Thank you so much for all that you did that day.