Friday, December 31, 2010


When I last wrote I was not running much, I am still not running much. But I am hoping that is going to change because this week has some exciting news. Regular business hours!!!! I was so happy when Monday night came and the store closed at 10pm instead of midnight. This means that if all goes well overnight I can get my team out the door and done by the latest 3:30 for filling the floor and around 5 for back room, sometime earlier. OMG!!! How happy am I????? Very happy, the only done side is when P-fresh trailers come, I really need them on time but with everything else in the store being done that means I can blitz out the p-fresh push and be done by 6am or 7am. This is exciting stuff for me.

Work has still been draining. Just because Christmas is over doesn't mean things slow down. There are still a ton of people out there returning gifts, getting the great clearance deals on Christmas items and toys, and a ton of gift cards going on. Busy, busy, busy. But soon enough it will all slow down because next week I am taking a personnel day. That means a four day weekend for me and I might be able to meet up with the Fleet Feet Ultra Training group for the Wednesday night speed work.

Speaking of Fleet Feet Ultra Training, we are still meeting tomorrow morning for our long run. This time though we will be starting from Twin Rocks and heading out 6 miles and then turning around. No fire road this week. YES!!!! Double bonus. But this section of the American River 50 miler course is a bit more technical and the last time I was out in this area was back in September for the Sierra Nevada Double. Going to bring back memories.

I am trying to find the motivation and passion again for running. I believe that once I re-charge my batteries from this holiday season all will be right again. It is just going to take time, I just hope not to long. But I guess this would be a great time for me to practice patience. Right Trailmomma? patience is hard for me, I am so go go go that having to slow down and re-charge is difficult but I know it is needed. Re-charging is what is going to help keep me healthy in 2011. I hope! Here is to finding the passion and motivation again.

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