Saturday, January 1, 2011

Slipping and Sliding

It was a cold wet muddy rainy new year day. Happy New Year Everyone!!!!! This morning the alarm clock went off far to soon as it seemed that the little bit of sleep I did get was not enough. I ended up staying up until 1:30am, that is due to the fact that I took a 6 hour nap late in the afternoon and never woke up. Guess I was tired. So I stayed up and rang in the new year with traildog.

Once the alarm went off it was time to get ready for the long run of the week with Fleet Feet Ultra Training Group. As I layed there I heard the rain hitting the roof top. Not exactly what I was expecting after yesterdays gorgeous sunny day. I gathered my things and out the door I went to Cavitt to carpool over to Twin Rocks.

Once at Twin Rocks we wasted no time, Captain Kirk told us the trail was marked and to turn around at horseshoe roughly 6 miles if not a bit shy. Off we went into the mud, puddles, rain, and cold. It was cold, my hands were frozen for the first 1.5 miles. but soon enough everything warmed up. It amazes me how every time I run this trail how different it is each time. How much I forget, or I should say choose to forget. The technical sections, the rocky sections it was a great run today.

I settled into a nice comfortable rhythm and just enjoyed being out on the trails. I will say though it was very hard to get comfortable due to the fact that the trail was really muddy, so muddy at some points it almost sucked my shoe off. Then it was like a river just below the calf. I had to stay focused on the task at hand or else I would have ended up on my behind. I hit the turn around spot took in a GU and off I was again with Miss P. right ahead of me. She took off and I just settled back a bit.

The group today didn't seem as spread out as usually and it was great to see everyone on the return offering encouragement and smiles and fist bumps along the way. What a group. But I will say this I miss running with Trailmomma and Garmin, maybe they will come out again.

My body felt a little tired, legs were a little heavy and my chest wall was giving me some problems. I would like to think it was due to the cold weather for my chest wall and my legs being heavy for not having run much this week. I did hurt my neck earlier in the week and that is taking it's time to heal which also brought back that familiar pain in my back. But I am hoping it is nothing and will heal on its own.

I enjoyed being out on this new year day. Now to relax and enjoy the rest of the day, maybe a nap. Keep on running everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I tried to comment on yesterday's post but my darn internet crapped out.

    My "tip" for that section of the trail is to always remember the TURKEYS we ran into and horrified I was! ha That should make you laugh hard enough. haha

    I miss running with you too. I've been running lots of pavement these days but at least I am running twice a week (roughly).

    I hear you on working making you too tired. I have another bad week coming up of back to back jobs and 14 hour days. ugh.

    I miss the old group. Tell everyone I said HI and some day soon maybe I will come out. I'll be there for WTC and AR for sure!
