Sunday, May 30, 2010
Western States Training Run!!!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
All alone!
Last night I went to Coach Nikon's house and got a massage from his wife Yoda. My body definitely needed it, my hamstrings were tight, my back was killing me, and my shoulder was screaming at me all week. It was so bad I could barely hold it up and than there is my neck it was tight. It has been so tight that on some of my runs it spasms out and I can't move my neck. Yoda worked her magic once again and got me back into form. Thank You so much.
Because of such the early start time this morning I decided I should head out and get some rest. I drove my usual way home, turned onto Madison and maybe went a block when all I could see were brake lights for miles. Yup, a driver license check. All I wanted to do was go home and get some sleep. All three lanes were stopped and there did not seem to be any progress. I was not going to wait to here for hours, I took the next right turn I could and detoured myself around the check point. Luckily I know my way around this area and could do it. I was so glad to be home and to be in bed.
Alarm went off and I thought "What is that, I know it's not time to get up." It was, Toby wasn't thrilled either. that alarm came to quickly it seemed.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
What A Day!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Back with the Group!!!
The group decided upon a out and back. The front group took off, and I would have thought they were racing but they are just that fast. Captain Kirk opted for bike ride tonight he is battling a injury. Captain Kirk, missed you out there but glad you got a ride in. I found myself running with trailmomma and newbie #1. We ran a nice steady (fast) pace which felt really good and trailmomma told me about her time in Tahoe this past weekend. Out there we did see a ton and I mean a ton bike riders even though it did rain on us. It seems that trailmomma had a sign on her saying "please aim for me and than move at the last possible second!!" because every bike wanted to take her out. She did have a bright green shirt on so I don't understand why they didn't see her and, we were talking loud enough! Ohh well, it gave me a good laugh.
As we hit 4.5 or so we saw the boys in the front group flying back. We also saw Wonder Woman and both trailmomma and I decided we should try and catch her. She wasn't that far ahead, but she did look really strong. The entire time we were "chasing" down Wonder Woman we both were laughing and thinking "OK once we catch her we wont be able to hang because we will be spent." and "I hope she doesn't start her tempo before we catch her." I would charge ahead and than trailmomma would charge ahead and we even talked about not catching her but than the competitive drive in both of us fueled us to push on. Trailmomma surged ahead and caught Wonder Woman and I wasn't to far behind. We did it , we caught Wonder Woman. One thing I did know was I was a little spent from catching her but it was a lot of fun.
We ran in and kept a pretty steady tempo, but at one point I faded back a little and was going to let them go when trailmomma looked back at me and smiled and that was all I needed. It gave me that extra little surge I needed to hang with them the rest of the way in. It was great being out there with everyone again and I am looking forward to more runs like this. I am very excited about the training group which starts up in June with Fleet Feet. I know that with this group and the expert coaching I will be able to achieve the Sierra Nevada Double Marathon in September, but first my sights are set on Tahoe Rim Trail 50k in July. Great Run everyone!!!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
The Four Amigos!!!!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
One with Nature!!!
At the start of the run I was feeling tight but that tightness slowly faded and my legs began to feel great and both Coach and I feel into a nice steady rhythm. We were just chit chatting away, talking about what we always do, which is everything besides running because we save the running conversations for when we are not running. We headed out towards Hazel and cruised along staying on the bike path and crossed over and went up the hazel bridge and than as we were going we came across a huge herd (I guess you would call it that) of geese. They were literally sitting on the bike path, in the dirt, in the rocks and as we approached didn't move. So we had to find a path and run through them. Strangest thing I every did see.
We turned around and headed back in. As we headed back in a bug flew in my eye and I stopped but Coach not realizing what happened kept running and I think he was talking when he noticed I stopped. Dang bug!!!!
After the bug incident we crossed back over Hazel and he stopped to get a drink of water and I kept going when out of no where a nut/rock (not sure what it was) came sliding down the tree crossed the bike path and just missed me by a step. I hear Coach saying "Nature does not like you today" he stopped to check out the tree and in that tree was a squirrel.
Immediately following the "Bug Incident" I was cruising along when all of sudden I had these sharp stomach pains. I thought to myself I can run through this. Only it wasn't getting better, it was getting worse. I told Coach I needed to walk, my stomach had me doubled over. I had eaten some oatmeal that morning but Coach thought maybe I was empty. I honestly don't know what happened because in just a few minutes the pain passed and was just a dull ache and we were able to run again. That hasn't happened to me where I was doubled over in pain. Something to keep my eye on as I continue training.
With a herd of crazy geese, 2 bugs in the eye, one nut rolling squirrel, stomach pain that stops me in my tracks, I would say we had a solid run. I was very grateful that Coach called last night to see what I had planned. The great thing about running with Coach is you forget about everything that has been going in your life and you remember how much fun running is. I was feeling like crap on my last run but today my spirits were high and I was enjoying running again. In two weeks I will be running in the Western States Training run of 32 miles. I think I am ready and I just have to remember to run a steady pace and to enjoy the experience.
Friday, May 14, 2010
The first time I went out I ran to Rio cut through the school and picked up the trail and headed left. I was it seemed in a world all to myself, I had some good music on, felt energized and ready to tackle my demons. My demons being the flat section of the trail, one in which during AR50 I wanted to stop. On I went not really paying attention but feeling really good. I thought I was going to tackle my demon today, but it didn't happen, there was a detour which took me through the neighborhood for 2 miles and than to William Pond for a mile around that and I turned around and headed home. I did have some flash backs at the Pond, which I think gave me some energy because I flew home.
I didn't tackle my demon that day, but one day I will and that day was the next only this time I went right and headed towards watt ave. This run I started out feeling really good, legs felt strong, energy was high and I left the music at home. Just me and the flat road. It was funny, I don't really remember this until I came upon the bridge and everything came flying back from race day. The pain, the negative thoughts everything. But the flat section is really all in my head. The more I run it the better I can get, right??? Thats what I think. My turn around point came and my legs were strong, my head was in the right spot and I was overall feeling great. Let me just say that once I finished this run, I had ran faster than I did the before. Yes!!! Maybe I can defeat the flat.
I went out again, but this time I felt really off. My legs felt like they were full of lead, I was having serious doubts about even doing this run. Why?? I don't know, I don't know where it all came from. During this run I had to stop often to stretch, my hamstings were tight, my calfs were killing me, and to top it off I hadn't been sleeping very well. I have been waking up with some serious back pain. I carried on and ran or shuffled and even walked. I couldn't wait for it to be over. It was not my day. But that is how it goes sometimes.
The only thing I was looking forward to was my massage with Lily. She works magic and should be called Yoda! I have been going to her since I started training for AR50 and everytime she finds my trouble spots without me saying a word. She worked on my calfs right way, my IT band my back which had no give was like a stiff board and than she moved onto my right shoulder. I knew something was off with it I was having trouble picking my arm up but I didn't realize how bad off I was. She worked her magic on my neck and I am so glad I went to see her. Thank you for giving me call. I had no clue how broken my body was. I don't even remember when I stopped listening to my body. Maybe that is why I had such a terrible run the other day. She worked her magic and after she finished I was feeling 20 pounds lighter. I could move my neck, raise my arm without pain and I slept pretty good and woke up with no back pain. Thank you for fixing me and getting me back to form.
With being fixed I went out today for a easy 6 mile run. Just to see where my body was. Overall it was a much better run than what I had the other day. I know for training I need to start doing some hill work, speed work and keep up the quality miles. I will be doing the Western States Training run day one of 32 miles in two weeks. Looking forward to it. A bit nervous but trailmomma is going to be there and it will be great day and I found out Captain Kirk will also be doing this run.
While I haven't been home, my nephew has missed me. I stopped by the other day and he came running to me yelling "my meme, my meme." That just melts my heart. We went for a walk around the block and he rode his tri cycle and than decided he wanted to run with Meme and ditched the bike for a short run. Starting him young. Toby is staying with me but I couldn't resist. As you can see he has taken over the chair. I am sure I was sitting in it before him and he took it from me.
Looking forward to the long run this weekend. Trailmomma you will be missed, but can't wait to hear about your weekend.

Monday, May 10, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Twin Rocks = Poison Oak
We continued on our way with Trailmomma still in the lead when all of a sudden we came across a bunny on trail. It was just sitting there, while Trailmomma "played" with the bunny I was thinking to myself "where is the mountain lion" and I must have said it out loud because both Coach and I quickly scan above us looking for the mountain lion. Good thing was we didn't see the mountain lion, but what easy prey if there was one. Finally the little rabbit decided to move off the trail so we could pass.
We continued on our way dodging and weaving and squeezing past all the massive amounts of poison oak. It was so bad that I was making up dance moves to get through it and I don't dance. At one point though my left shoe came untied and I saw trailmomma side step this way than side step that way and I was thinking "interesting" only to discover that she was side stepping the neck high poison oak on the right and the poison oak on the left. Well, I wasn't as lucky as her. I ended up stepping on my left shoe string with my right foot which caused all forward motion to stop and just as I am about to hit the poison oak with my head I fall back and my left arm rolls in the poison oak on my left. I am not a happy camper...stupid shoe lace.....which by the way came untied twice out there today but never during AR50. Hopefully I am lucky and don't get it, but I nailed that oak good.
As the miles came and went the heat came and stayed. It warmed up very quickly out there. Coach Nikon had to turn around at rattlesnake and trailmomma and I continued on. We turned around at 9 miles and headed back in. I took in a GU about this time (Tri-Berry) because my legs were feeling a sluggish and I also took 2 Tylenol because my ankle was screaming at me. I took the lead on the return trip and set a pretty good pace. I started to feel achy in my legs and thought "wish I had a salt tab." Good thing about running with Trailmomma was she had one for me. Thank You definitely needed it because soon after my legs were feeling better. (Note to self buy salt tab and body glide.)
We were cruising along the trail dodging poison oak when all of sudden I jumped straight up and I mean like 10 feet vertical jump in the air and I quickly turned around and pushed trailmomma back wards. Right in the middle of the trial was a squirrel. I didn't know if it was alive or dead when I first saw it. It scared me which caused us both to laugh. It ended up being dead (I don't think I like the front) and we continued on our way. We did take one wrong turn out there, but later agreed we wanted extra hill work. We realized our mistake and turned around and headed in the correct direction. Not only did we see a bunny, the numerous butterflies that like to attack me :) and a squirrel but we came across a mountain biker and a horse than more horses. Talk about staying alert.
All in all we had a great 18 mile run, I do think trailmomma is little jealous of my watch that sings at me when we hit 18 and also at the half way. It was challenging on the return trip especially the last 3 for me that is, but we made it back in one piece. We never did see any of the Folsom Trail Runners like we thought we would, but we did see at the trail head the trail turtles.
The sun took alot out of me and is a cause for concern especially with Sierra Nevada Double in September, but I am hoping that with the proper training in the heat and the right clothing I can complete it.