Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The Sierra Nevada Endurance Run a 52.4 mile trail run starting at Cavitt and heading to Auburn Dam overlook to No hands and back. This would be my third Ultra, second 50 miler and I have only been running since late October of last year. In fact CIM was my first marathon, followed by AR50, TRT50k and SNER. This new passion of mine has had a huge impact in my life. I have made some life long friendships during the journey. I have also discovered so much from within me that I never knew existed.

This journey that I started back in October was a way for me to channel my energy and to focus on obtainable goals, to challenge myself mentally and physically. To push myself harder. I had no idea what I was getting into at the time. When Anthony told me about the Fleet Feet training program I jumped at it without hesitation. Little did I know how much I would grow from the experiences I had during AR50, TRT and now SNER.

SNER didn't end like I had planned it too. In fact I was crushed when I had to drop. In fact that was the hardest decision I made all day. It is hard to deal with a DNF especially when I was so close to the finish. Here is how my day unfolded......

The early morning came far to quickly, I was awake from 1am to 2am. Fell back asleep and then woke up before my alarm went off. It was going to be a great day. I was feeling mentally focused and I was for the most part physically feeling stronger then I have had in a few weeks. Again this race was going to rock!!!

As the excitement and anticipation built up while waiting at the start I took a second to look around and really take it all in. This is what all my training has been for. This was it. I was ready. As I started I knew the course which would be a huge benefit I thought. I knew that I didn't have to go out to hard there was plenty of room on the fire road for all us runners. I didn't push. I ran a comfortable pace leading into the single track that heads to twin rocks.

 As I passed twin rocks and started the tougher terrain I was right on schedule with fueling and water. I was eating and drinking. I also noticed that it was warming up pretty quickly. During this stretch I noticed a burning sensation coming from my back. It felt like my back was on fire. I have never had this sensation before. My back was hurting it was just on fire. I made a mental note of it and kept on moving.

While running towards horseshoe I found myself in the lead with a few runners on my heels. I asked if they wanted by but they declined. I thought OK and kept the pace. Eventually though I stepped off the trail to let me pass as I felt I was running their race and not mine. I felt like I was being forced to run harder then what I had planned. As soon as they passed I continued on and was more comfortable on the trails.

I fueled at horseshoe and off I went to Rattlesnake. I knew my crew was going to be there. That gave me a mental boost. I was still feeling strong, legs were moving well, the burning sensation in my back would come and go and occasionally my ribs would scream at me.

I flew from horseshoe to rattlesnake, the terrain didn't bother me. Guess it pays to train where the race is. I knew what to expect, I knew when I needed to hike. The day was unfolding perfectly. As I approached rattlesnake my crew was there waiting for me. Kirk was also there. As I was with my crew Kirk removed my pack filled it with water and told me I was in great position, reminded me it was 8 miles to the next aid, and also reminded me to eat and before I knew it I was off and running again.

This next stretch things started to go South for some unknown reason. I was cruising along with another runner on my heels. This was his first ultra so I chit chatted with him a little bit. It actually enjoyed talking to someone out there during this stretch. But eventually I stepped off the trail to let him pace. I felt like I was being pushed a little bit to hard and once again not running my race. I let him go, even though  I enjoyed his company. That would be the last runner I saw during this stretch until Kuni passed me as we neared the base of the dam hill. I was having to walk more and more. I thought it was because I hadn't hiked some of the hills like I normally do so I was just recovering. I in took a few GUs. All I kept thinking though was I really need that aid station. I need some solid food.

I could see it in the distance, the base of the dam hill. As I rounded the corner there was the aid station. I filled my pack and ate some food and started my ascent on Cardiac. Cardiac kicked my butt. I kept pushing up having to pause every now and then. Here is where Michelle from fleet feet passed me we both encouraged each other and joked around about Cardiac. The switch backs never ended. Eventually I reached the top and the canal. I jumped in and submerged myself. It was a shock to my system but after doing that I was focused and not so foggy.

Now it is just a two mile run along the canal, here is where Brent my brother in law was. I didn't recognize him but he yelled "Meme" and that sparked another gear in me. I was so happy to see him and Bradyn and Kristina were about half a mile away. What a totally awesome surprise. As I neared Bradyn he saw me and came running toward me. I gave him the biggest hug. I was almost to the aid station and there my crew was once again waiting for me.

What a awesome surprise!

At the overlook, I drank half a bottle of endurox. I was trying to get calories in me as food really didn't sound to great at this point. I refilled my GUs my crew sprayed me down and off I went. Kirk was also here, he helped me fill my pack, told me to take it easy going to no hands. He also reminded me to eat, asked how my stomach was doing, squeezed cool water on head and off I went.

On my way to No hands

It was hot by now. I don't think I was drinking as much water as I should have been looking back. As I dropped into no hands I had planned on hiking the hills and running the downs. That is just what I did. Here I saw Anthony on his way back, he looked strong. As we passed we both updated each other on our situations he was cramping and I told him I was doing good. Not to long after seeing Anthony I saw Jenny from fleet feet. She told me it was going to be hot on the way out to load up on ice. I told her she looked great. It was awesome to see them on the course and gave me a boost.

Going to no hands was tough. It was hot, I would climb down and then have to climb up. But eventually I made it to the 26.2 mark. I loaded my pack with ice, drank numerous cokes ate some food and off I went to return. One of my friends from work surprised me here. Another boost.

The return trip I had planned to do hike the climbs and run everything else. Only I couldn't run anymore. I could only hike. Every time I tried to run I had excruciating pain radiating from my ribs to my back, each step I took. I could only hike. That is what I did. I probably only ran a little bit when I could tolerate the pain. As I am hiking out Garmin dies on me. I start to get concerned because I thought that now I was racing against the cut offs. I was hot and I still had a ways to go. It was only 4 miles but felt like forever.

As I hiked out of no hands and back to the overlook I knew I had to do something about my ribs. Once I reached the overlook  my pacer and my crew were there along with my family. My pacer asked me how I was doing and I told her "I am hurting, I can't run." I also am freaking out a bit about the cut off. The aid station crew said I was fine I made it and just as I finished that sentence the medic comes over and asks if he can help. I didn't want to tell him to much for fear of being pulled. I told him I needed my ribs taped, I needed pressure on my ribs. He said he could do that. he also cooled me off with water and my crew just kept handing me things to eat and drink. I am not sure what or how much of anything I took in. I also couldn't answer any of their questions as to when the last time I ate something was, or my last s-cap. In fact I didn't even know what time it was.

I am in some serious pain, I am having trouble breathing. As my ribs are getting taped my pacer told me that the aid station crew was a bit shocked at seeing someone getting their ribs taped due to a rib being out of place. Once he tapes my ribs I stand and take two steps and ask him to tape my back. My ribs felt better but now the pain was shooting to my back and making it hard for me to stand. The medic taped my back for me. While I was drinking some coke the medic told my sister that they needed to get me going before the pain got to bad. They did just that. I was off.

"Meme, are  you OK"

As we starting running on the canal, I was hyperventilating. I couldn't catch my breath I was in so much pain. And then I was on the ground doing a flip. I fell. I tripped over the one rock that was on the trail. I landed hard on my left side which is my bad side and flipped. I was covered in dirt. I looked like carnage now. My pacer helped me up and I took in a GU and started running again. If I was hurting before well I was now hurting even more. I hadn't even made it to Cardiac and I fell.

Do you see any rock? I don't, but my feet found one

After falling. I am caked in dirt

We cruised down cardiac, there really is no easy way down. At the aid station I ate some food and applied some Vaseline on my legs. My legs were feeling a little chafed. My shorts by this point were covered in salt, I could see the salt ring. No big deal. Only it was.

We left Cardiac and headed out into the longest stretch ever. 8 miles. During this time my pacer, kept giving me GU every 30 min. Salt every 45 min. This section is runnable only I wasn't able to run it. I was hiking and then pretty soon I was walking. I couldn't muster up the strength to run. My legs were on fire, my ribs and back were killing me and I also had a headache. I ran every now and then, but it wasn't much.

Mentally I was drained. I was hot/dehydrated and in some serious pain. I had to stop a couple of times just to catch my breath and relieve some of the pain. I knew the trails, so I broke it down in my head and gave myself small goals to reach for. The first goal being Mormon bridge. Once at Mormon bridge I sat down on the rails. My pacer soaked my hat and I just sat there. She eventually got me to move again, but it took some work on end.

After Mormon bridge my next goal was the water pump station. We were able to run some to the water pump and here is where I used the bathroom for the first time all day. Probably not a good thing. After this small goal my next goal was Avery's pond. I chuckled to myself about this and then told the story of why this was so funny to me to my pacer.

My pacer did awesome keeping me moving, every time I stopped she would coaxed me to stop in the shade up there a bit not the sun. She kept giving me GU and salt until I flat out refused it. We reached Avery's Pond and I sat down on picnic table. Pretending to empty out dirt/rocks from my shoes. My pacer again got me to start moving again. If it was up to me I would have sat there for longer.

I knew that is was maybe a mile to the Fleet Feet aid station at Rattlesnake. As we walked I just started crying. I was spent, I was emotionally drained, I was physically exhausted and in a lot of pain. It was getting better it was getting worse. I cried, but I kept walking. I was upset with performance at this point, I was disappointed in  myself I was literally beating myself up and during a race these negative thoughts are not good. I would stop crying and then start crying again.

I was walking/hobbling. My goal was the Fleet Feet aid station. My crew would be there but also Kristi from fleet feet. I knew we were getting close. I also knew that I was done. That is why I was so upset, because I knew this was it. As I walked into the aid station all I focused on was Kristi. I stared at her for what felt like 5 min. I wasn't speaking I was a walking zombie.

Kristi- whats was going on?
Me-I'm done
K-Wait what! Talk to me. what do you want to do?
Me-I don't know, I'm done
K-Whats going on?
Me-I don't know
K-What do you want to do?
Me-sit down
Kristi gets me sit down and then starts firing questions at me.
K-when was the last time you ate?
Me-Don't know
K-When was the time you had an s-cap?
Me-Don't know

My pacer told her my last s-cap was an hour and fifteen minutes ago, she immediately gave me two s-caps, and told me to suck on some potatoes. I was given coke. She also dumped water on me, and that brought me back a little bit.

Mentally I was done, physically I was hurting and I also knew what kind of terrain was coming up. I cried some here sitting in the chair. My crew told me I could do it. What they didn't know was exactly how much pain I was in. Kristi asked me again what I wanted to do and I said "Can we call Anthony?" She somehow managed to get Anthony on the phone. I think she had to call Julie Fingar the race director and Julie found Anthony. Wow what support.

I vaguely remember talking to Anthony. I do remember him telling me that I didn't sound to good and asked me what was going on. But by this point I was incoherent. I was crying. Somehow, maybe after sitting for a bit and eating some I decided to give it a try.

But first there was a issue we had to take care of. My legs were on fire from the chaffing. In fact it hurt to put Vaseline on. But I did with Kristi's support. I even had a great idea to Vaseline my shorts. Wow, brain function is coming back. Then she cut the liner out. During all of this I was hyperventilating and having difficulties breathing. My ribs were killing me. Every time she asked me if I wanted to go on, I would start to panic. Kristi even told me "don't make me pull you. I don't want to make the wrong choice and let you go if you think you can't do it." I managed to calm myself down and get my breathing under control. She took my pulse and was amazed at how relaxed I was considering not to two seconds before I was hyperventilating. I decide to push forward. Kristi told me that horseshoe was only 1.8 miles away run aid station to aid station. After that it is 5.8 to twin rock and then the finish. Awesome words, aid station to station.

Thank you so much for awesome support. The Fleet Feet aid station really put me back together after being there for 45 minutes to an hour. How they did it I am still amazed.Before I left I thanked my awesome crew and the awesome aid station. I walked into that aid station and I ran out of that aid station onto horseshoe. My pacer and I flew into horseshoe. I was feeling pretty good here. The aid staff was really helpful. They cooled my off and were real supportive.

Alright only 5.8 to twin rocks. Running aid station to aid station. Not maybe a mile down from horseshoe I was hiking again and then I was walking and then I sat down on trail right before a big climb. I just sat there with my head in my hands and I was crying. My pacer coaxed me back up and encouraged me to keep walking. The sun was fading fast. I was crushed. I kept walking, runners passed me and offered encouragement. I walked I ate some food, and then I refused to eat.
The sun went down and thank God that at the Fleet Feet Aid station a volunteer had given us a flash light. I walked and tripped over the rocks and I cried some more. I heard voices coming from behind and I stepped off the trail. They said they couldn't pass they were the sweeps. I was panic stricken. First thought was I was being pulled this is it. I am done. They must have saw my panic looked because they reassured me I had plenty of time and all I had to do was keep walking. I did just that I walked. They gave us some distance but made sure they could see us.

Walking in the dark, the inches felt like feet, feet felt like yards, yards felt like miles and miles felt like I was walking to the moon. I knew the trails but in the dark it is a totally different experience. I was lost, I was following the ribbons. I was incoherent I was crying and I was in pain. The sweeps caught back up to us and asked my pacer what was going on with me. Was I cramping? No not cramping. Was I dehydrated? Probably. She told them about getting my ribs taped and they responded with "ohhh, your rib girl." I am rib girl. They explained that the medic who taped me informed them of a girl on the trial with a rib injury and to be on the look out for me. They found me. I asked them how far to the aid station. They replied, you can throw a stone and hit it. Not sure how far it was but using that sentence made the aid station seem really close. I stumbled into the aid station and immediately told the volunteers I was done. The said I did a great job considering everything I had to overcome. I should be proud of myself.

I dropped at twin rocks, I couldn't go any further. I was mentally empty, I was physically drained and in a lot of pain and I was emotionally drained. I dropped less then 5 miles to the finish. I was devastated. It was the hardest thing I did all day. The sweeps called Julie for me again and she told Anthony and Lily that I was OK, and dropped at twin rocks.

The volunteers at the aid station gave me a jacket and then they wrapped a blanket around me. I was freezing. My body was shutting down now that I had stopped moving. I was shivering. My pacer gave me a ride back to Cavitt where Anthony was waiting for me. I cried on his shoulder. He took me to Lily, and I cried on her shoulder. She said she was so proud of me. Kirk and Jenny were still there and Kirk said group hug. I cried on his shoulder as he hugged me and I cried on Jenny's shoulder as she hugged me.
I just kept saying I had 5 miles to go. Chuck the medic and friend asked me some routine questions and he even gave me a huge hug where I cried again.

Lily and Anthony took me home with them, I slept on their couch and the next day hung out with them all day. It was a tough race. Most runners probably would not have toed the line in my condition, but I am not like most runners. This race was a journey and one that I will not soon forget.

"Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." -
 Joe Henderson

“The essential thing in life is not so much conquering as fighting well.”

– Baron De Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games

Monday, September 27, 2010

So Close But Yet So Far

After having to drop at SNER on Saturday I have been a little slow on wanting to post anything and I still am trying to get my thoughts together. I ended up having to drop at Twin Rocks roughly 5 miles from the finish, it was dark out, I had been on the trails for 13.5 hours, my ribs were killing me to the point where I couldn't run and I had them taped at the overlook mile 30, then I fell not 2 miles after that and I chaffed extremely bad on my inner thighs from my sand like paper shorts (salt). That is only a little bit of what I went through.

Made it to Twin Rocks around 8:37 pm. I am spent, I couldn't go one step further. It took all I had to make it to Twin Rocks in the dark.

Falling asleep, that is how spent I am.

When I can I will have a full race report up. I am still trying to put the pieces together. It was a learning experience and by far the toughest decisions I made all day was having to drop. 

Friday, September 24, 2010

This is It

It has been one hectic week, but it seems that all my weeks right now are like. The last 4 weeks are pretty darn stress full during a remodel. I mean just looking at the remaining schedule makes me panic for a second. There is still a ton to do. But it will get done one way or another, it has too.

Earlier this week I met up with pacer and small crew of 2. I went over race day strategy and projected times into the aid stations. Mainly their role is to be a familiar face on the course. My pacer has a big role and that is to help pace me back in after I have run the first 30, only 22.4 more to go.

Needless to say this week I have not done a ton of running. In fact I have only 3 miles in my legs. Those 3 miles were just to keep my legs loose and it was nothing too hard just a nice and easy run.

I also went and a massage from the best-Lily-. We were both surprised that she was even able to work on my back. The past few sessions she couldn't even touch it I was in so much pain. After the massage I had an appointment with Dr. Chu from elite spinal and sports care and he adjusted my rib and helped stretch me out. He worked on my chest as I told him a few days earlier everything was tightening back up.

Then yesterday I headed over to Fleet Feet to pick up a few last minute things. Captain Kirk was there and we chatted for a bit. He told me "You look leaner, you look like a ultra runner." That was the best thing he could have said to boost my confidence. Basically I look fit and I have leaned down, not that I was really bulky before.

Before TRT I have been really watching my diet and being strict with what I eat. I also cheated and did enjoy some not so healthy food choices. I cut out soda, maybe occasionally I would enjoy a Coke, but that was a special treat for me. With the healthier diet and increased mileage I leaned down some. I did notice that my clothes were fitting a bit differently.

Anyways, Captain Kirk also said that I was ready, the training was there and I was ready. Ok huge sigh of relief. Lily said the same thing a few days ago and trailmomma said it last week. I am ready, I believe it.

Overall it has been busy with work keeping that project moving along and trying not to stress about the race tomorrow. I will staying with Coach Nikon and Lily tonight, it is a pre-race ritual now. I did it for my first marathon back in December of last year, I did it for my first ultra AR50 this past June and also for TRT we car camped at the site. I am a bit superstitious if you couldn't tell.

Looking forward to a solid race and wishing Coach Nikon, Wonder Woman and her fellow Fleet Feet runners a awesome race. Lily good luck tomorrow, wish I could see you run. See everyone at the finish.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Better Now Then Next Week

Today's run was not my best 10 miler. In fact I never found my stride. But on the brighter side at least it happened today instead of next week at the race.

I had decided to take yesterday off because I had trouble sleeping and was very sore in the morning. I thought it would be best to let my body rest and relax. I personally found it hard not to be running. I felt lost all day. I had to find something to do to release some of my built up energy.

I made some pumpkin bread, in fact 2 batches. The smell of cinnamon filled the house. I also decided to make some breakfast for the family. I made eggs, cut up some potatoes and asparagus and everyone enjoyed it. Not to mention the warm pumpkin bread.

All in all it was a relaxing day. It did feel weird not to be out running for a few hours but I think I filled my time wisely. I even headed over to Coach Nikon's and Lily's house to enjoy some dinner and a movie. Check out the trailer to the movie we saw. KickAss The music makes the movie it was awesome.

This morning I headed out and met up with some friends. I had planned on only running 10 miles while they had scheduled a 15 mile easy run. It was very cool this morning with a chance of rain. As we started the run I felt just OK. I was having some difficulties breathing, I couldn't catch my breath because my chest hurt. I finally managed to get through this but it took about 3 miles for my chest to loosen up. I did have some shooting pain, but that is normal for me now.

I kept thinking that things would turn around, I kept reminding myself that this was only a easy 10 mile run. With no focus on speed just a run to keep my legs loose. But my legs never loosened up, I definitely had no speed and my thoughts started to turn negative. I really just wanted this run to be over.

At the end of run I breathed a huge sigh of relief that I had finished the run, I told myself I was in one piece, and that it was better to get this crappy run out of the way. Maybe my legs were still loaded up from last weeks 30 miler, luckily I am getting one of Lily's great massages on Wednesday and I am also seeing Dr. Chu. He is going to work on my ribs and tape me up so I will be ready race day. So glad he decided to see my on Wednesday as this will give my body some time to recover, as typically the next day after I see him my body is sore and bruised. It is all worth it though as things are getting better.

I am not going to worry about this run I am going to move forward and focus on the next task at hand. The next task is figuring out my pace for the race, when my crew will be able to expect me and just finalizing the race day things I need.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Traildog and Turkey Patrol

Today has been a tough day at work. It is crunch time with 4 weeks left to complete everything and major deadlines that need to be made in order for it all to happen. Needless to say I was really stressed today especially when after a 10 hour shift for me and a full 8 from my remodel team of 5. It appears that nothing was accomplished today that needed to get accomplished, but it was out of my control.

I just boggles my mind how quickly things can get undone. You see next week construction demos my old freezer and cooler, my new freezer is up and running at -10 but my produce and meat cooler wont start there 100 hr run time until Friday. Which means I can't go in there once that run time starts up. So today I wanted to get my wire metro racking profiled so when the time came I could just move my product from the old to the new.

It didn't happen, not even close. But the good news is there was a snag with construction and things have been put back a few days, but that also means that other things have been put back which is going to create a larger work load near the end of this remodel. It was just a tough day for all parties involved today.

After my stressful day at work where everything wouldn't go my way I headed out for my Thursday night run with Trailmomma. Traildog came along, he wouldn't let me leave the house without him. Traildog wanted to redeem himself on the turkey patrol/protector for trailmomma.  I was unusually quite on this run. I think I was still processing the days events and trying to figure out how to get things done tomorrow.

Relaxing in the car after the run

During this run we only had two turkey incidents, one on the way out. As we were about to crest this tiny hill around 2.5 miles I for some reason stopped which caused trailmomma to pause and as we were standing there we heard this noise. And on the other side the bike path was a Turkey.

I had visions of the previous run and almost started laughing, but then I looked at trailmomma and she was speechless and trying not to scream. We started walking away from the turkey and all was good. I think Traildog gave the turkey a look as we walked past it.

The other incident was on the return at I think the same spot the turkey was crossing the road. All I hear is trailmomma encouraging traildog to get the turkey. So traildog did, he ran that turkey off for trailmomma. Once the coast was clear trailmomma joined us. I know that during my race next Saturday any sort of bird of feather animal I will probably start laughing just because of all our adventures this summer with birds and turkeys.

As we continued on our way traildog needed a drink after the hard work of chasing down turkeys so we stopped at the next fountain. I picked him up and trailmomma held the button for the water and he enjoyed some refreshing water. I am sure it was a interesting sight for the riders on the trail. It is not everyday you see someone lifting a 40lb dog to get water.

Traildog was tired but did great on turkey patrol

This 6 mile run allowed me to clear my head and relax. It is just what I needed this week. I plan on resting tomorrow as I am seeing Dr. Chu from elite spinal and sports care. Saturday or Sunday I plan on running an easy 10 and then next week is race week.But for now I am just enjoying my taper and all the little aches and alignments that come with it. It is amazing how in tune one becomes with their body when the race is right around the corner and every little pain makes me at least stop and think about it.

He is passed out already

So glad tomorrow is Friday and I can't wait to relax this weekend.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Traildog to the Rescue

OK so maybe Traildog didn't save Trailmomma on tonight's run but I will give him credit he did try to run the wild turkeys off the trail. How were we suppose to know that a few of them would cross and now we had turkeys on both sides of the trail and that a few would try and fly over us, which froze trailmomma and caused her to cover her ears and scream and almost have a heart attack.

Traildog is sorry, but in his defense he at least attempted this time unlike last time where he just ran by. Next time though for sure he will do it right. Traildog sends his apologies and hopes that trailmomma will forgive him.

I'm Sorry

Maybe I jumped a head of myself here, let me back up a bit. I am officially done with Jury duty the judge released us yesterday after the verdict reading. Let me just say that it was very interesting to see the inner workings of our justice system and the lengths people will go.

Being done with jury duty is one less stresser for me. My remodel project has 4 weeks left, and then I get to go on vacation for 2 weeks. Any suggestions anyone???? I am very excited to be almost done, but it is crunch time and there is no time for errors or lack of forward progress.

In less then 2 weeks the 52.4 mile Sierra Nevada race takes place. I completed my last long run this past Sunday of 30 miles and now I am in full blown taper mode. I am actually looking forward to this taper and going to us this time to focus on relaxing and getting mentally ready.

With that, tonight Traildog and I met trailmomma for our usually 6 mile run. It was a recovery run for both of us as she had just finished the Buffalo Stampede on Sunday and shaved off 3 minutes from last years time. WoW!!! Way to go Trailmomma.

We both just took it easy and I thought I would treat traildog with a nice easy run. I forgot to charge my Garmin but we had run this so much over the past few months I knew where the turn around point was and pace didn't really matter as it was just a run as the body felt like. We both chit chatted away and caught each other up on all the excitement that was going on. Me, with my headquarters visit today from Minneapolis and jury duty and trailmomma with her exciting filled/stressful weekend extravaganza.

It was a really relaxing run up until the wild turkey incident. I am sure though that Traildog will get it right next time. I did have to use the porta potty at our turn around, must have been the water I drank right before I left the house. That is 2 times in a row that I have had to use the restroom, that is so unlike me.

Overall it was a relaxing run a good recovery run and a great way to start off my taper.
He was tired after this run

Sunday, September 12, 2010

30 Miles in the Book

Lil Man came home from dinner and came running to my room as I haven't seen him all day. He asked me how my day was and I told him that I ran 30 miles today. His response "Wow!", then I told him that in 2 two weeks I run 52.4 miles and he said "That's far Meme, Wow!"

This morning when I woke up I was feeling strong, mentally and physically which is a complete 180 from yesterday 10 mile that I struggled through.

Traildog thought it was too early for a run

Traildog kept my spot warm.

I ran with my friend and pacer for Sierra and really enjoyed it. I did have some lows and I almost bonked at mile 21 but my friend forced me to drink some coke which brought a new life to me.

The first 8 miles were easy I was cruising along, I was fueling as needed as I was staying positive, I was chatting away and cracking jokes and I was happy. Always a good thing to be happy. But things changed by mile 14, I was really quiet. If she didn't know me she probably would have thought that I was just in the zone, but I was running low on fuel. My friend told me I was being too quiet and I quickly realized what was going on, I needed to eat. I inhaled a GU and not long after that my pace quickened and I was chatting and once again enjoying the run.

We were making great timing, and I was even talking to other runners on the run. I know me talking to others I was stepping outside my box. As we were running I was remembering AR50 and how totally different I was feeling now compared to that. I was running the AR50 course in reverse starting at Hazel. It didn't play with my mind but instead encouraged me stay focused, stay with my plan, and to finish strong. I knew I still had a ways to go.

I ran past trailmomma porta potty and then "our photo shoot park" and just had to laugh. It brought a huge smile on my face. We even ran past Turkeys and I almost doubled over from laughing so hard.

My friend and I had planned on making a pit stop at watt ave. for some coke. I was by this point really sluggish and my back was hurting and occasionally I would feel my ribs. We made it to the gas station and I was beat and also stubborn at this point. My friend was going to get a coke while I had planned on sitting down for a few minutes, but apparently that wasn't in the itinerary. She wouldn't take "no I am good" as an answer and made me drink half a coke and put ice in my pack. Ohh my God that coke was great.

I hadn't realized it but I needed that coke in a big way. I was crashing and hard and fast. The coke revitalized me and I was ready to tackle the last 9 miles. I took off and soon enough I found a fifth gear I didn't knew I had. I  held a 8:59 at mile 24, then a 9:22 at 25. I was feeling strong and then I was feeling really hot. I started to slow down a bit. Then I saw it, a water fountain.

 I soaked myself and immediately felt better and knew I was going to finish strong. I did finish strong, my last mile I held a 8:47. That was my fastest mile of day.

I am super excited that I was able to get this long run in. Mentally I needed it. I am glad that my body decided to cooperate with me and held up. Now, tomorrow is a different story. 30 miles in the book. Ready to tackle the Sierra Nevada Double in 2 weeks. But right now I am really looking forward to my taper, hopefully my body will focus on healing.

Traildog was happy to see me when I came home.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sleepless Night

Last night I had the hardest time getting any sleep. My nephew didn't want to go sleep so he let everyone know about it. I ended up falling asleep for about 2 hours before I woke up because of the pain I was in. I couldn't move and when I did it hurt. That is how my night went needless to say I only slept for 4 hours maybe before finally giving up around 4 am.

I seriously thought about canceling my little run today. But I also knew that things could start to loosen if I was lucky. So I gave it a go, I gathered my things and headed out the door to meet my friend for an early morning run.

As we took off I told her I might be turning around early I was really stiff, short of breath and every step I took caused pain. This is not good. A couple of times I had to stop as the sharp shooting pain just about dropped me. We only ran 10 miles, I loosened up but I never really found my stride this morning.

The good news is I was seeing Lily today to get one of her fabulous massages. She worked on my sore body. She couldn't work to much on my back though because it was too tender to touch. After her great massage I actually fell asleep on her table. I was tired and for once pretty much pain free. What a great opportunity to get some rest. It is amazing how a some quality sleep can really change my perspective even if it was for an hour.

I have no plans the rest of today besides resting. Tomorrow I have my last long run planned. I will play it by ear though I don't want to stress my body to much.

While I was gone Traildog enjoyed his morning relaxing and playing with Lil Man.

Outside on the table

Can I come mommy?

I missed you!

Friday, September 10, 2010


It is Friday!!! YAY!!!! It has been a long week. I have been on jury duty so that means that my days have started super duper early around 5 am I head to work. Than, at 7am I head downtown to the court house. During my breaks and lunches I am on the phone with my remodel team putting out any small fires that have been created  while I am away and than around 5pm I am heading home. Sometimes I head back to work and other times I quickly change and go for a run. But most days this week I have not been home till well after 7pm. That is a long day in my book.

Luckily on Thursday we the jury were released for two days and I was able to give my attention to work and my remodel team. I only have 5 weeks left until this project is completed. P-Fresh is almost done!

After work, I relaxed until it was time to meet Trailmomma for our usual Thursday evening run.

This time I changed things up and brought as trailmomma introduced him Traildog (my dog Toby.) He was excited to be with me and even more excited to be running with us. As soon as we arrived he was ready to go only I wasn't, and he made everyone aware of his impatience by crying and whining.

Some pictures of traildog when he was really small!

Traildog one month old

he is so cute!

Look at those paws

he still sleeps like that sometimes.

We took off and traildog was setting a great pace and really enjoying his mommy time. It seems these past few weeks with me shuffling jury duty and working I am never home to spend any quality time with him. But what a better way than to have him join me on a run.

At our usual 1.5 miles trailmomma had to use the rest room and I surprised myself and I also had to use the rest room. Traildog did not like the fact that I was leaving him he cried and whimpered. It just about broke my heart. As soon as I came back he was one happy puppy, in fact he almost tugged trailmomma over trying to get to me. Ahhh how cute!!!!!

We did on this run have some excitement, we saw our first snake, a unmarked police car came roaring over the bridge and almost took us out, and then on the way back this time a patrol car came over the bridge with their lights and sirens on. Pretty exciting for a usually calm Thursday evening run. Very curious on what was going on in that area.

Traildog did fantastic, but I might add he did get pretty tired near the end and drooled all over trailmommas legs. Sorry about that.

Traildog one month old!

He was so little

Look how long he is!

He wanted to drive the car after our run!

 I felt pretty good, but my chest was tight once again and I could feel it. I did see Dr. Chu this afternoon. He worked on my ribs, but wasn't able to adjust my rib in my chest because my body was guarding it too much. He is possible considering taping me for my race in a few weeks.

This weekend I am looking forward to running some. Nothing crazy!!!!

Traildog and I would like send a special shout out to Trailmomma!!!! Good Luck on your race this weekend, you will do great!!!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Enjoying the Day

This morning when I woke up I was the only one up in the house, so I was really looking forward to some quiet time. Just me and my coffee and of course Toby. As I was getting my coffee ready I walked down the hall way to find Lil Man was wide awake and ready to start his morning. I guess my quiet time will have to be put on hold. So Lil Man joined me and he enjoyed some chocolate milk, spoiled I think not, just loved.

As the rest of the house woke up not too long later Lil Man had a surprise for his mom and dad. He was already out of his PJ's and into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He was ready to start his day. I on the other hand was still in PJ's, we decided that Toby needed a bath. I was already washing my sheets so he defiantly needed to get cleaned up. Lil Man wanted to help.

Lil Man taking photos with my camera

That is how he helped with photos, Thanks Lil Man

After everyone was cleaned up, we headed to the new O'Donnell park by the house before it got to hot out. He enjoyed doing lap after lap after lap. He smiled and waved and stopped for the red lights he created. It was so cute to watch. He was also really fast on his new bike.

There he goes

He even made sound effect...vroom vroom

Last minute parking job

After all of that morning excitement I still had plans to get in a mid afternoon run with a buddy of mine. We met up at 1 pm and it was extremely hot, let me say probably 99 degrees. Hey, little heat training. We only did 8 miles. On the way out though my legs were sluggish, I was fatigued probably due to not being able to run for almost a week and then getting sick over the weekend.

We turned around and on the way back in I found a trail that made it's way down to the water and we jumped in. I was hot, very hot. The water was a bit warm but felt refreshing and gave me a little bit more energy.

Refreshed after jumping in, I wasted no time

It felt good to be on the trails again, I haven't been on them for some time now. Overall for it being my first run on the trails it went better then expected.

When I got home I found Lil Man enjoying his own sort of quiet time with a movie. He was watching Toy Story, right now it is one of his top 5.

Movie time means pop corn

he enjoyed his quiet time

Tomorrow is a big day work in the morning, jury duty, then run with trailmomma, and hopefully the following day all I have is work. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Unexpected Rest Week

This past week has been challenging for me. I have only been able to log 11 miles. I originally was suppose to run my last long run this weekend of 30 miles, but I have been sick since Friday. Which sucks....Mentally I am fried and physically I am a bit tired. The long work days are finally catching up to me.

How can this be when last weekend I was mentally strong and physically ready for my long runs. What is the difference? But of course with the rest this week all I have been doing is thinking and listening?

But with all of this thinking it has also caused some serious doubts to flow into my head. The Double is 3 weeks away, am I going to be able to finish it? That is the biggest question mark I have. The answer I keep telling myself is, my fitness is there. I just ran a 50K last month and I haven't stopped running. I have the miles. I just don't think mentally at this point I am ready for it. Maybe in 3 weeks I will be.

The remodel over the past 6 weeks has slowly consumed me. Mentally I need a break, maybe that is what this week is for. It just wasn't in my plan. In case you don't know me, I am a planner. I live by routines it is what I am most comfortable with doing. Please do not judge me, I love my routines and if one of those routines is thrown I am thrown. But I am slowly dealing with that especially in my work. Every day is new, I can't have a routine because there is just too much to be expected and plans change on a dime.

I am not afraid of the pain, there is some pain in running 52.4 miles, I run in pain all the time I am use to it. I think my biggest fear is not finishing and letting my friend and family down and also letting myself down. I do not like failure, but who does. I strive to overcome any obstacle in my path, it drives me to finish something when others tell me it can't be done. I think this is motivating me again. Yes!!!

I also think I need to put a 1 up in my back pocket for when things get tough out there, I can call upon my extra life.

It worked for Coach Nikon during the TRT 50k, he placed in the top 10.

Maybe all of the doubts that are floating around in my head needed to get out, so that I can think clearly on the next few weeks and focus once again. I need to focus on one day at a time, one moment at a time and nothing else. I am feeling scattered and pulled in fifty thousand different directions that I have lost my focus. When my nephew is running around and darting back and forth I tell him "Focus" maybe I should do that to myself. "Focus"

It has been a overwhelming week, I am glad that I am forced to rest in hopes that I will have a stronger week next week. Staying positive is what I need to do. I have put the hours in, the miles are there, the fitness is there...I just need my mental game. 52.4 miles is no easy task this I understand.


I can do This....

Some inspiration I found....

I understand that rest is good and should be taken! I am just a slow learner when it comes to that. I don't like idle time. But I am sure that this weeks unexpected rest is just what my body needs and most likely what I need mentally. 3 weeks can be a long time. I still have time to get the last long run, I have time to taper still as needed and I can do it.....I just need to stay get focused.
I Can Do It!!!!

"The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear. "
Brian Tracy

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Busy Week

This week has been crazy busy for me. At work we are wrapping up week 7 of our remodel, my how the time has flown by. It is also a critical planning week with sensitive time frames. If a due date is missed it will impact numerous contractors not to mention my team. It has been stress full, but the good news is our temporary coolers and freezers have arrived on time, and come Monday night we move into them. As my team is moving out of the other freezers and coolers the "wall" is going up so that construction can work on the P Fresh area. All very exciting, but stressful.

Also this past week I have been on jury duty. Now I can't talk much about it besides I reported on Thursday morning. This means I had to leave the remodel project during this critical planning phase. While at jury duty I would check my phone text messages and while on lunch I had to figure out the major dilemma we ran into. Which is pretty hard when I don't have my map. But my team is great and helped out but I wish I was at work dealing with those issues so they wouldn't have to. As the day wrapped up, my jury group was instructed to report back on Tuesday morning. Yup I am still on jury duty. Friday there is no court and Monday is a holiday.

After jury duty I headed home in rush hour traffic, something I am not use to as my commute is 10 minutes but coming from down town it took me about 45 min. Once home I quickly changed out of my red and khaki and into shorts and a t-shirt and headed back into work to check on some things and work on the plan for the overnight crew.

My day on Thursday began with me waking up an 2:45am and working from 4am-7am, then jury duty all day, then back to work. I finally got home around 9pm. I was exhausted only to have to be back at work 4 the next day. I didn't make it by 4am but I arrived a little after 5am. Long day.

Next week I have no idea how things are going to go for me. How long jury duty will last or how many obstacles I will have to work through. I love challenges but this challenge may be a bit to big for me. I don't know if I can work 14 hours 5 days a week if I am on jury duty. That would be the case because as a remodel executive their is no one else in my building up to speed on the current moves. Thank goodness I only 6 more weeks left until this remodel is completed.

With my hectic week I have only managed to log 6 miles in running and that was back on Tuesday. It is Saturday and I haven't run in 4 days. I was suppose to run 12 miles today on the trails with my pacer and tomorrow was my big long run of 30 miles. I don't think it would be a good idea to run 30 miles tomorrow especially after yesterdays high fever, chills and over all achenes. My fever has broken, but I haven't been able to eat anything since yesterday morning, my body is still very achy and when I am up for extended periods of time (5 min) my head pounds and all I want to do is sleep. I only have 3 weeks left until my next race the Sierra Nevada Double. If all else falls this weekend I most likely can get a 30 mile run in next weekend and then taper the following week. Busy, busy, busy......